US Intelligence report on possible meddling in Nov Elections 2020.
US Intelligence has warned that China, Russia and Iran has trying to influence the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
The analysis of the 3 US adversaries' alleged interference efforts came in a statement from William Evanina, director of the National Counter Intelligence and Security Centre, who said he released the information to help Americans " play a critical role in safeguarding American elections ". So we will discuss about the report published by US Intelligence taking each of the 3 countries seperately.
IRAN - Against Trump
▪Trump administration has been very critical of Iran's nuclear programme and has pushed many sanctions against Iran. The tensions between the two have increased in recent times.
▪Iran is likely focusing on online influence operation, including social-media disinformation campaigns and promulgating anti-American content.
▪"Iran is perceiving that Trump's re-election would result in a continuation of US pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change" Evanina said.
CHINA - Against Trump
▪China is preferring the democratic candidate, Joe Biden. William Evanina said that China is trying to undertime Donald Trump's re-election campaign.
▪In the past times we have seen that Democrats have had a soft approach towards China compared to Republicans.
▪It is no secret that Beijing is outraged by Trump administration's massive economic, political and ideological offensives against China in recent months.
▪Evanina's statement said that China wants Trump to lose in part because Beijing sees him as "unpredictable".
RUSSIA - For Trump
▪Russia is favouring that Donald Trump retains the White House.
▪Moscow has struggled to overcome the deeply-held conviction among the Democrats that Russian interference was instrumental in Trump's surprising victory in the 2016 elections.
▪One major reason is that Trump understands the more Russia is isolated the more it will be pushed towards China.
While many foreign actors have views on who should hold the White House, "We are primarily concerned about the ongoing and potential activity by China, Russia and Iran" Evanina said.
This blog was to create awareness about the possible meddling in the Amercican elections. Hope the democracy always prevails.
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