I know crypto mining is expensive and you need big computers to mine bitcoins and other tokens but in this blog i will provide you 2 applications where you can start your bitcoin mining with no money, yes, that's true and that too even on mobile.😄


This application has to be installed in your mobile and through app you can mine bitcoin for free and this can be used as a wallet too. Intially when you register using my link provided you will get bonus of 3 USDT. And minimum amount of 10USD bitcoins you can withdraw from this app.

To download :-

2. RyzEx

This is a website you can login in from your browser. Sorry, but this does not have option of bitcoin mining but there is an exciting thing about it, you can mine 4 different crypto coins - DOGECOIN, TRON, BNB, LITECOIN. This is a nice website for mining these coins.

To download :-

Before starting these ways of mining cryptocurrency, you have to understand that mining using normal PC or mobile wouldn't earn you much because mining bitcoins is an expensive process but still what's wrong if you can earn $50-$60 using these mining ways. Good luck and enjoy mining :)


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