
Showing posts from August, 2020

India and Taliban

The  Taliban , who refer to themselves as the  Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan  ( IEA ), are a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement and military organization in Afghanistan currently waging war (jihad) within that country. Taliban has ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 until George Bush started his " War on Terror" on Afghanistan. But the US and NATO forces were unsuccessful in eliminating the Taliban completely from Afghanistan and Taliban still controls majority of portion of the country. To appease American voters before the 2020 elections, Trump wants to bring American soldiers back to USA from Afghanistan. Recently, US and Taliban signed an agreement for " Bringing peace to Afganistan" which will enable the US and NATO forces to withdraw troops in the next 14months. After the Intra-Afghan talks the Afghan govt and Taliban will both share power and govern the country together. If we look from the point of view of India ...

Chandrayaan-2 Mission of Isro

  News :-    Chandrayaan-2 was launched at 2:43 pm IST on Monday ,   July 22, 2019 . If Chandrayaan-2 Mission would have got successful, India would have became the 4th country to land on the lunar(moon) surface after US, Russia and China. The cost of Chandrayaan-2 mission is estimated to be -  $140 million This mission was launched by India's heaviest and most powerful rocket to date -  GSLV   MK III  ( also known as "Baahubali"). There were 3 components of this mission - 1.  ORBITER   (it will orbit the moon) 2.  LANDER   (it will do soft landing on the surface of moon)  3.  ROVER  (it is a 6 wheel type car that will move around the surface of moon and collect samples) ➤LANDER -  VIKRAM This lander will perform soft landing on the south pole region of the moon. ➤ROVER -  PRAGYAN This rover will work on solar energy Chandrayaan-1  mission which was designed to just orbit the moon (had only an orbi...

Indo-Pak War in 1971.

We will discuss and analyse about the 1971 Indo-Pak war after which a new state got formed - " Bangladesh ". This war is also called as " Bangladesh Liberation War" . Let us first understand how exactly did Pakistan looked before this war (Have a look at the map). Pakistan had 2 parts , first is the western part ( West Pakistan ) where their capital, Islamabad was situated and the second part is the eastern part ( East Pakistan ) which is today's Bangladesh. The people of western part was the dominating force in the administration and defence. The west pakistan had a superiority complex . East Pakistan had a different culture, language(Bangali) from the West Pakistan, the only thing common they had was religion (religion was the main driving force for Jinnah to form Pakistan seperating from India). East Pakistan was poor and backwards than the Western part. Events before the War 1970-1971 --> Pakistan faced a civil war , where the country's p...

US Intelligence report on possible meddling in Nov Elections 2020.

US Intelligence has warned that China, Russia and Iran has trying to influence the 2020 US Presidential Elections.   The analysis of the 3 US adversaries' alleged interference efforts came in a statement from William Evanina , director of the National Counter Intelligence and Security Centre, who said he released the information to help Americans " play a critical role in safeguarding American elections ". So we will discuss about the report published by US Intelligence taking each of the 3 countries seperately. IRAN  - Against Trump ▪Trump administration has been very critical of Iran's nuclear programme and has pushed many sanctions against Iran. The tensions between the two have increased in recent times. ▪Iran is likely focusing on online influence operation , including social-media disinformation campaigns and promulgating anti-American content. ▪" Iran is perceiving that Trump's re-election would result in a continuation of US pr...

Divide in the Islamic World.

Mohammad bin Salman(MbS ), the Saudi Crown Prince who has been hailed in the west as " Great Reformer " , but in the process of his reforms he has surrendered its role as leader of the Islamic world by abandoning 'sensitive and emotional' muslim issues like Palestine, Kashmir and Uighur. The drastic U-turn in the foreign policy towards Israel created further division and leadership vacuum with both Iran and Turkey, waiting in the wings, to fill the void. In recent times, Turkey has tried to cozy up to Iran and Pakistan in order to form a new bloc outside of OIC's influence. So is Turkey and its allies like Iran and Pakistan trying to make a new Islamic bloc? Let us look at the recent developments in each of the 3 countries which leads us to a conclusion that a divide has been created in the Muslim world. TURKEY ▪ Erdogan was named as the world most popular Muslim leader in the Gallup International Index in 2020. ▪His recent decision to converting Ha...

China's Aggressive Expansionist Foreign Policy

       CHINA'S ASSERTIVE STANCE We have witnessed that China has been following "expansionist" foreign policy since the COVID-19 pandemic has happened. Even though China has been blamed for mishandling of Coronavirus and allowing it to spread all over the world it is still following its aggressive policy. HONG KONG ▪On June 30 , China passed a National Security Law for Hong Kong. ▪The details of the new law's 66 Articles were kept secret until after it was passed. The new legislation mainly targets protesters with harsher punishments. ▪The law criminalises any act of - Secession , Subversion , Terrorism (violence) and Collusion (with foreign forces). These 4 offences can attract life imprisonment as the maximum punishment, followed by lesser penalties. ▪US has criticised this law called it "draconian" law . ▪UK and Australia have come up to offer visas to Hong Kong residents. INDIA ▪The Indian and Chinese armies engaged in the standoff in  Pa...

Libyan Crisis.

LIBYA  - It is a country in the African continent and has a coastline with the Mediterranean Sea. History of Libya 1911-1943 --> Libya was an Italian colony . Libiyans were exploited by the European colonists. Libya witnessed conflict between Italian and British troops during World War 2. 1943-1951 --> Libya was controlled by the Allied powers (British and French). 1951 --> Libya got independence . Libya was under the rule of King Idris , the monarch of Libya (western-allied). 1969 --> Government of King Idris was overthrown by a military coup led by Muammar Al-Gaddafi . Muammar Al-Gaddafi ▪In 1969, King Idris was overthrown while he was abroad in Turkey for medical treatment. ▪Gaddafi was a general in Idris army and made a strategy to overthrow him. ▪Gaddafi was named Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council(RCC) , Libya's new ruling body. ▪He hated the western imperialism . ▪Many reforms were brought by him...